Proportion of Carnegie households below estimated average requirement (EAR)/reference nutrient intake (RNI)

How hungry were the poor in late 1930s Britain?

This paper develops a theory of optimal unemployment insurance in matching models. It derives a sufficient-statistic formula for optimal unemployment insurance, which is useful to determine the optimal cyclicality of unemployment insurance.

May 2021 · Ian Gazeley, Andrew Newell, Kevin Reynolds, Hector Rufrancos

The Poor and the Poorest, fifty years on: Evidence from British Household Expenditure Surveys of the 1950s and 1960s

This paper revisits Abel-Smith and Townsend’s landmark study of poverty in early post World War 2 Britain using the modern methods

January 2017 · Ian Gazeley, Hector Rufrancos, Andrew Newell, Kevin Reynolds, Rebecca Searle